Goeldner Woods

Goeldner Woods

Earlham, Iowa 50072

Printable County Checklist

About this Location

This 44 acre park is primarily upland hardwood forest, with some bottom land timber on the north end of the park adjacent to the North Branch of North River. This is a public hunting area.

From Winterset travel north on U.S. 169 approximately 5 miles, turn west on 152nd Street for 2 miles, turn north on Hogback Bridge Ave. for 3/4 mile, turn west and follow Juniper Trail west and north for 2 1/4 miles.

Notable Trails

Trails meander through the entire park. The upper loop (approximately 1/2 mile) is located adjacent to the picnic grounds and remains primarily on level ground in the upper elevations of the park. The lower loop trail system (1 1/2 miles) explores the side slopes and river bottom timber and traverses steeper gradients.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Goeldner Woods Website and Iowa Ornithologists' Union

Last updated June 2, 2023

Goeldner Woods Trails
Madison County Conservation