Harrington Park

Harrington Park

249 Harrington Avenue Concord, Massachusetts 01742

Harrington Park brochure and map

About this Location

Westvale-Harrington Park is a conservation area comprised of a scenic bluff above the Assabet River, together with the lowland intersected by the Second Division Brook. It is named for this part of Concord once known in the 19th and early 20th centuries as “Westvale”. The Wheeler and Harrington families farmed the agricultural fields, while the Damons ran the textile mill on the Assabet River for decades. The farming tradition continues with leased, actively farmed land by the Marshall family and a thriving community garden. The Second Division Brook area offers an intimate exposure to the river and the lively brook that meanders through it. Together, these uplands and lowlands offer a varied walking experience on the property with a hard-working agricultural and industrial past.

Access with parking for ten or more vehicles is located at two locations. An informal parking area is located at the community gardens at the end of a farm road off Harrington Avenue opposite the intersection with Old Mill Road and a formal parking area is at the end of a dirt driveway just west of the Harrington House on Harrington Avenue by the “Harrington Park” sign.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Harrington Park brochure and map

Last updated December 28, 2023