Black Hawk Lake

Black Hawk Lake

228 S Blossom Lake View, Iowa 51450

Printable County Checklist

Tips for Birding

Dive the route around the lake, stopping at various viewpoints to scan the water.

Birds of Interest

Some notable gulls and other water-related species have been discovered here over the years.

About this Location

This state park is located on the south edge of the town of Lake View.

Notable Trails

The Sauk Rail Trail is a 33-mile hard-surfaced multi-use trail that starts near the park and ends at Swan Lake State Park in Carroll County. It is the only trail in Iowa that starts and ends at two state parks. T


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Last updated September 20, 2023

Black Hawk SP Map
Iowa DNR