Prairie Oaks Metro Park--Coneflower Trail

About this Location

The Coneflower Trail, 2.5 miles, is a moderate to difficult hiking and cross-country ski trail on grass and dirt. The trail crosses two steep hills, goes through prairies, and runs alongside Big Darby Creek.

About Prairie Oaks Metro Park

See all hotspots at Prairie Oaks Metro Park

The Madison-Franklin county line runs through Prairie Oaks Metro Park, following the course of Big Darby Creek. Madison County is on the west side of the creek and Franklin County is on the east. If you carefully keep your bird records by county, be sure to use the specific hotspots in this park so that the birds will be assigned to the proper county.

Prairie Oaks features nearly 500 acres of lush prairies and grasslands. In late summer and early fall, visitors can see fields of beautifully flowering ashy sunflower, royal catchfly, and purple coneflower against a backdrop of big and little bluestem and Indian grasses.

The spectacular and lush scenery of the Big Darby State and National Scenic River, which flows through the park, provides a beautiful backdrop for outdoor adventure.

The Sycamore Plains Trail system offers a spectacular trek along Big Darby Creek through a mature wooded floodplain.


  • Restrooms on site

Content from Prairie Oaks Metro Park Official Website