Preparation Canyon SP

Preparation Canyon SP

206 Polk Street Pisgah, Iowa 51564

Printable County Checklist

About this Location

Important Bird Area.
344 acre State Park: Several trails wind their way through the rugged Loess Hills, and along the many streams and springs found in the area. These trails will also take you to the hike-in camping sites. A nature study area is located in the eastern area of the park. Camping is WALK-IN only.
On I-29 take Exit 105 (~ 8 miles south of Onawa) and go EAST on E60 through Blencoe. Follow E60 as is winds east and south and eventually into the Loess Hills State Forest. After entering the state forest on E60 you will come to first intersection--turn left (north) on Oak Ave. Follow Oak Ave into 314th St (a slight right). Follow 314th St to Preparation Canyon Rd which will take you into the state park.
Large number of trails through the forest. Best birding is along the edges of the forest and in the canopy.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from Iowa Ornithologists' Union

Last updated September 20, 2023

Preparation Canyon SP Map
Iowa DNR