Woodland Mounds State Preserve

Woodland Mounds State Preserve

19587 Kirkwood Street Ackworth, IA 50125

Printable County Checklist
Woodland Mounds Website

About this Location

Important Bird Area.
On a ridge above the South River, this oak/hickory timber has cultural significance as it protects some mounds of the Woodland Indians. Many trails wander through the area and there is a nice picnic area at the parking lot.

In eastern Warren Co. 3.5 miles east along Hwy. 92 from U.S. 65/69, take S-23, the road to Milo, two winding miles to Keokuk St. on the east. Proceed 1.5 miles east on Keokuk. After crossing the river watch for Kirkwood, a rock road, on your left. Turn here and take it 2+ miles to the preserve entrance. Note that the Google map is incorrect!

Primary oak/hickory timber with occasional southern species like Summer Tanager, Pileated Woodpecker, and Cooper's Hawk found. This is a good area to find Winter Wren in season.
This is a public hunting area.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Iowa Ornithologists' Union

Last updated September 28, 2023

Woodland Mounds Preserve
Warren Co. Conservation