Mississippi River Lock & Dam 14 (Iowa)

Mississippi River Lock & Dam 14 (Iowa)

Printable County Checklist

About this Location

About six miles upriver from Bettendorf in Scott Co. The best waterfowl viewing is from the Illinois side, 1.5 miles downriver from I-80 along Ill. Hwy. 84, on the pier at Fisherman’s Corner South R.A. You can walk out the pier after parking. Gull viewing is good here, too, but probably best from the official L&D 14 park on the Iowa side. That park's entrance is about two miles south along U.S. 67 from I-80. You can walk in quite close to the lock, and there are backwaters at the park that often hold gulls as well.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from Iowa Ornithologists' Union and Iowa Ornithologists' Union