Pammel SP

Birds of Interest

Woodland birds, Northern Parula

About this Location

Important Bird Area.

Pammel Park was originally one of the first State Parks in Iowa (dedicated in 1928). It has been managed by the Madison County Conservation Board since 1989. The park is noted for its natural woodland beauty highlighted by its signature limestone ridge known as the “backbone”. It is home to numerous botanical treasurers that include a lush diversity of woodland vegetation from wildflowers and native plants to the best quality Walnut stands in central Iowa. Some of the oldest recorded Oak trees anywhere in the State grow from the craggy surfaces of the “backbone”. All this natural beauty is graced with the meandering flow of Middle River. This 350 acre park, with carefully planned development, is quickly becoming the destination park of the Madison County park system.

Notable Trails

There are several trails through varied habitats (see map). Keep looking down as well as up since this park is home to a small population of the rare Timber Rattlesnake.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from Pammel Park Website and Iowa Ornithologists' Union

Last updated June 17, 2023

Pammel Park Map
Madison County Conservation