Caesar Creek SP--Beach Area

About this Location

The public beach can be good for gulls, terns, and shorebirds, especially early in the morning. Scan the beach carefully during the fall and spring. During the fall migration, the lake can attract migrating gulls, including occasional Franklin’s Gulls. Both Bald Eagles and Osprey are often seen fishing in the lake.

About Caesar Creek State Park

See all hotspots at Caesar Creek State Park

The Caesar Creek State Park area sits astride the crest of the Cincinnati Arch, a convex tilting of bedrock layers caused by an ancient upheaval. Younger rocks lie both east and west of this crest where some of the oldest rocks in Ohio are exposed. The sedimentary limestones and shales tell of a sea hundreds of millions of years in our past that once covered the state. The park’s excellent fossil finds give testimony to the life of this long-vanished body of water.

The forests of the area are comprised of over 65 species of plants. Several major communities thrive in the area. A northern floodplain forest is found in the valley, while mixed associations of oak-hickory and beech-maple woodlands clothe the ridges and hillsides. Red-tail hawks, white-tail deer, raccoons, red foxes, and box turtles make the park their home.

There are numerous restrooms in Caesar Creek State Park, but most are closed during the cold months. The Visitor’s Center has flush toilets available when the Center is open.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Caesar Creek State Park website and Ohio Ornithological Society

Last updated February 9, 2023