Lake Potanipo, Brookline

Lake Potanipo, Brookline

Brookline, New Hampshire 03033

Official Website

About this Location

Lake Potanipo is 169.9 acres with an average depth of 13.5 feet and a maximum depth of 25.1 feet (NH Dept. of Environmental Services). It provides habitats for the endangered Brook floater (a freshwater mussel) and the threatened Fern-leaved false foxglove, both listed on the New Hampshire Natural Heritage Inventory. There are 27 homes and cottages on Lake Potanipo, but most of it is protected from further development.

In 1969 the Brookline Recreation Commission was formed. Shortly thereafter, the town was given a gift of approximately 1.33 acres with 250 feet of frontage and a one-quarter-acre beach area by the Eli and Bessie Cohen Foundation. The Cohen Foundation owns Camp Tevya and most of the undeveloped land around the lake and the North Stream.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Official Website

Last updated November 23, 2023