Cairo Woods Wildlife Area

Cairo Woods Wildlife Area

Cairo, Iowa 52640

Printable County Checklist

About this Location

Important Bird Area.
525 Acres Timber and prairie
From Columbus City go (S) on X-17 for 3.86 miles, turn L (E) on 95th St for 1.6 miles, then R (S) on T Ave. for .49 miles, L (E) on 90th Ave. for .96 miles and finally L (N) on S Ave. for .4 miles
In central Louisa Co. Trails are winding and complex, defying easy verbal description. Start with the trail closest to the fence at right, and follow it as it heads generally northeast into various brush-and-meadow sections, mostly along and off the right side of the trail. One of the early right-going trails is easily seen to be a loop around a small field; this is worth checking, but it is the next right-going trail that heads into the most chat-productive shrubby area. If you have the right area, there should be a trail on the far side of the shrubby area going downhill and rightward and into a wooded section along a creek (listen for White-eyed Vireo in this shrubby section as well). Has many equestrian trails that are mowed. Lots of edge effect on the area.
This is a public hunting area.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from Iowa Ornithologists' Union

Last updated October 1, 2023