Plymsbury WMA

Birds of Interest

Plymsbury WMA is rich in birdlife and has excellent bird watching. Many different species of songbirds, waterfowl, and raptors are present throughout the WMA. In the wetlands, there are wood, black and mallard ducks, hooded mergansers, and belted kingfishers. Open fields and early successional woods host a variety of species including woodcock, ruffed grouse, wild turkey, eastern kingbird, chestnut-sided warbler, northern flicker, tree swallow, eastern bluebird, veery, cedar waxwing, common yellowthroat, white-throated sparrow, winter wren, and many others.

The mature forest contains ovenbirds, blackburian warbler, hairy woodpecker, common raven, northern parula, wood thrush, and red-breasted nuthatch to name a few. Some raptors that inhabit Plymsbury WMA are sharp-shinned, broad-winged, and red-tailed hawks, northern goshawk, and barred owl. 

About this Location

Plymsbury Wildlife Management Area is a 1,857-acre parcel owned by the State of Vermont and managed by the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department. The WMA has 1,569 acres in the town of Shrewsbury and 288 acres in the town of Plymouth. The central portion of Plymsbury WMA can be accessed from Old Plymouth Road near North Shrewsbury. The northern portion can be accessed from the Old CCC Road. The WMA is bordered on the north and east by Coolidge State Forest.

The gentle terrain in the basin features a low-lying 40-acre wooded swamp in the north-central portion of the WMA and several other smaller dispersed swamps of spruce-fir-tamarack and alder. Surrounding the swamp are some 1,000 acres of hardwoods, 500 acres of mixed growth, and 50 acres of openings and remnant fields. The hardwoods are composed of beech, yellow and white birch, red, and sugar maple. The softwoods are dominated by spruce and fir. There are also aspens, tamaracks, and apple trees on the property.

Two forested ridges transect the area in a northeasterly direction and range up to 2,360 feet. Two major watercourses drain the WMA. Great Roaring Brook flows southeasterly out of the swamp and has several beaver impoundments along its length. Tinker Brook traverses the northeast corner of Plymsbury WMA and also flows southeasterly. There are numerous small feeder streams.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Plymsbury Wildlife Management Area guide and map

Last updated December 3, 2023