Hawkeye WMA--headquarters area

Hawkeye WMA--headquarters area

Swisher, Iowa 52338

Printable County Checklist

Tips for Birding

Bring a scope if you have one. This area has a wonderful overlook of the main HWA pool.

Birds of Interest

Waterfowl and migrating shorebirds.

About this Location

There is a nice parking lot and sign about Pelicans.

About Coralville Reservoir/Hawkeye Wildlife Area/Lake Macbride State Park IBA

See all hotspots at Coralville Reservoir/Hawkeye Wildlife Area/Lake Macbride State Park IBA

This area has a large concentration of waterfowl and pelicans during migration. When water levels are right, large concentrations of shorebirds are found here during migration. The woodlands in the area produce significant numbers of migrating songbirds. Bald Eagle and Double-crested Cormorants nest in the area. There are large numbers of raptors in the area, some during migration and following the shorebirds, some nesting, and some wintering, such as Long and Short-eared Owls, Northern Harrier, and Rough-legged Hawk. There are heron rookeries, and large numbers of wading birds use the area during post breeding dispersal. The number of rare birds that have been found here over the years is quite large.

From highway 965 one and three-quarters miles north of North Liberty, go west on the Swan Lake Road to areas on the south side of Hawkeye WA. To reach areas on the north side, go west from highway 965 on the first road north of the reservoir (Amana Road).


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Linda Rudolph and Coralville Reservoir/Hawkeye Wildlife Area/Lake Macbride State Park IBA

Last updated July 16, 2023