Lake Milton SP

About this Location

It is most helpful when submitting eBird observations at Lake Milton State Park to start a new checklist for each hotspot within the state park. Use this general hotspot when you have a checklist that includes multiple locations or there was not a hotspot or personal location appropriate for your sightings.

About Lake Milton State Park

See all hotspots at Lake Milton State Park

1,006-acre Lake Milton State Park lies in the portion of the Appalachian Plateau in Ohio that was overridden by glaciers some 12,000 years ago. This glaciated plateau contains a great variety of plants, animals, and natural habitats. The plateau’s rolling hills are interspersed with forests, bogs, old fields, streams, and lakes.

The plateau is a major meeting ground for plants and forest types from the southern Appalachians and northern Allegheny regions. For instance, it is possible to see substantial stands of white oak and hickory which are typical of the southern Appalachians as well as northern hemlock forests which are more common in the northern Allegheny region. This tension zone accounts for the great diversity of plants in the area. Starflower, spring beauties, mountain maple, anemones, and wood aster grace the floor of beech-maple woodlots.

Animals suited to this area include cottontail rabbit, red fox, raccoon, muskrat, and woodchuck. Bird life is diverse with robins, warblers, pine siskins, hawks, and owls being commonly seen. Reptiles found here include the midland painted turtle and the northern watersnake.

Notable Trails

Lake Milton State Park Trails
There are four hiking trails at Lake Milton State Park.
Amphitheater Nature Trail – 1.25 miles – Easy, northwest side of the lake near the dam
Paved Trail – 1 mile – east side of Lake Milton, near the marina.
Mahoning Avenue Nature Trail
Mountain Bike Trails

The AllTrails website has a description and map of a hike at Lake Milton State Park.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Lake Milton State Park Official Website