Indian Lake SP--Pew Island

Indian Lake SP--Pew Island

Lakeview, Ohio 43331

Indian Lake State Park Official Website
Indian Lake State Park map

Also, see all the hotspots at:
Logan County Birding Drive

About this Location

Pew Island has an interesting little gravel trail surrounding two settling ponds used to filter dredging liquid and a small boardwalk over some marshy areas. During hunting season, the boardwalk is blocked off but the detour is still a good walk. There is a surprising variety of birds for such a small space, probably a lot more in spring migration. Climb the hill to see containment ponds where there is possible shorebird habitat in dry weather.

About Indian Lake State Park

See all hotspots at Indian Lake State Park

The region of Indian Lake was originally a cluster of natural lakes situated on the Miami River. As the continental glaciers left Ohio, chunks of ice broke free, melted, and formed water-filled depressions called kettle lakes. The resultant shallow, marshy, natural lakes in this region covered an area of 640 acres. Among these were Old Indian Lake, Otter Lake, Blake Lake, Sheep Pen Lake, and the Buck Wheat Patch.

The present, and much larger, lake lies along one of the country’s major avian migration routes. Indian Lake is an important resting stop for birds such as Canada geese, ducks, grebes, swans, egrets, and herons. Many stay over the summer to nest.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Indian Lake State Park Official Website, Kathy Smith, Ohio Ornithological Society, and Steve Jones

Last updated February 17, 2023