Tycoon Lake Wildlife Area

Tycoon Lake Wildlife Area

Tycoon Road Bidwell, Ohio 45614

Official Website
Tycoon Lake Wildlife Area map

Also, see all the hotspots at:
Gallia County Birding Drive

About this Location

This 684-acre wildlife area lies between OH-325 and OH-554 approximately five miles northeast of Rio Grande. From OH-325 access to the area is gained by Township Road 21 (Eagle Road). From OH-554 access is provided off Township Road 20 (Vaughn Road) and County Road 17 (Tycoon Road).

The topography surrounding the 204-acre Tycoon Lake is gently rolling to hilly. Approximately 54 percent of the uplands are wooded, mainly with oak-hickory types. Brushlands occupy 13 percent, open land 23 percent, wetlands 5 percent, and public use areas 5 percent of the uplands.

The lake is relatively shallow. Aquatic vegetation and inundated shrubs and trees provide excellent cover for aquatic life. Shorelines are gently sloping and are composed of silt loam soils.

Land acquisition for the area began in 1957 and was completed in 1960. Construction of two earthen dams across an old channel of Raccoon Creek was completed in 1960 and fish were first stocked in 1961. The area was purchased to provide fishing, upland game, forest game, and limited waterfowl hunting.

Management work has included the improvement of existing woodlands, selective release cutting of brushlands, farming through cooperative management contracts with local farmers, and the addition of squirrel and wood duck nesting structures.


  • Restrooms on site

Content from Official Website