Eastlake Seawall, Former Eastlake Power Plant (closed)

Eastlake Seawall, Former Eastlake Power Plant (closed)

10 Erie Road Eastlake, Ohio 44094

Also, see all the hotspots at:
Chagrin River Corridor Important Bird Area

Tips for Birding

The Eastlake Seawall Fishing Pier has been closed.

The fishing pier was adjacent to the East Lake Power Plant hot water outlet and attracted water birds during cold weather in the winter. The power plant has been closed and the property is in the process of development. 

The Eastlake Seawall was a stop on the Lake Erie Birding Trail.

Birds of Interest

Birds that were formerly seen when the power plant was in operation.
From November to March, “Eastlake,” as it’s known to birders, can provide a dizzying multitude of Lake Erie birds: gulls and waterfowl mostly, but its list of other birds, especially rarities, is a long one—terns, cormorants, jaegers, gannets, pelicans, loons and grebes, and raptors among them.
Early spring features the same birds as winter.
Late fall can feature the same birds as winter.

About this Location

Birders used to refer to this site as the “Eastlake Power Plant” because of the large plant just to the west of the site. This site was just a parking lot of a little less than an acre, directly fronting Lake Erie. It provided an easy drive-up site to scan the lake, which in this area was often filled with birds.

This hotspot is currently closed to birders.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing