Three Mile Lake

About this Location

880 county park in north central Union County, just north of Afton. Contains a large well developed lake surround by woods. Marsh and grasslands are also well represented. You could easily spend 1/2 day visiting the various areas of this lake alone.

Start point: Intersection of US 34 and IA 169 (just north of Afton) Proceed northwest on US 34 for .2 miles. Turn right (NORTH) on Creamery Rd/P53 and continue 3.5 miles to H-33. Turn left (WEST) and proceed to the lake. There are several access points to the lake itself on the east side and MANY places to bird around the lake.

Lake, woodlands, and some marshy areas. Conceivably most Iowa species could be encountered here during the year.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Roadside viewing

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Iowa Ornithologists' Union

Last updated June 22, 2023