Big Pine Mountain--Upper Sisquoc Drainage, including Upper and Lower Bear Campgrounds

Big Pine Mountain--Upper Sisquoc Drainage, including Upper and Lower Bear Campgrounds

About Big Pine Mountain

See all hotspots at Big Pine Mountain

Vehicle access to Big Pine Mountain is by special permit from USFS only. Hence, the main way to get up there is on foot or by bike. Start at the Santa Barbara Canyon Trailhead on the Cuyama Valley side of the Sierra Madre. From here there are two options. You can follow Forest Route 9N11 all the way to Alamar Saddle and beyond, or you can take the trail that continues up Santa Barbara Canyon to Madulce Peak, from where you can take Madulce Trail to Buckhorn Road (9N11). The road is passable by bike or on foot, but the trail up Santa Barbara Canyon can only be done on foot. Both routes are strenuous on foot and by bike, with over 3000' of elevation gain. If you follow the road, it's a 16 mile hike to the Big Pine Campground. The Madulce Peak route is a bit shorter but in parts steeper so it might not be much faster.

There are multiple water sources in the vicinity of Big Pine Mountain; check for the latest updates. There are also several campgrounds in the area; the same website will give details on that. Cell phone reception is sparse to non-existent.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Linus Blomqvist

Big Pine Mountain hotspots
Linus Blomqvist