Elizabeth Gardens and Centennial Park at Houk Stream

Elizabeth Gardens and Centennial Park at Houk Stream

Dayton, Ohio 45419

Oakwood Ohio Houk-Loy Gardens-Centennial website

About this Location

This hotspot consists of three adjacent small suburban woodlots nestled in the Oakwood neighborhood of Dayton properly called, from east to west, Loy Garden, Elizabeth Gardens Bird and Wildflower Sanctuary, and Friendship Park at Houk Stream (or Centennial Park at Houk Stream). They are connected by approximately 1.5 miles of trail that crosses the neighborhood streets and winds through each park. The trails are mulched, gravel, or dirt with occasionally exposed roots. There are mild elevation changes, some with stone stairs, and benches provided. Houk Stream provides scenic views of the mostly wooded habitat. Parking is available along graveled shoulder sections of Forrer Road and Oakwood Avenue.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Kathy Craft

Last updated February 11, 2023