Elena Gallegos Open Space

Elena Gallegos Open Space

Tramway Boulevard Northeast Albuquerque, New Mexico 87122

Official Website
Elena Gallegos Open Space map

About this Location

Visitors to Elena Gallegos Picnic Area and Albert G. Simms Park enjoy many activities below the backdrop of the Sandia Mountains, which were named for their pink colors at sunset – “Sandia” is Spanish for “watermelon.”The 640-acre park is a gem in the Open Space system. At an elevation of about 6,500 feet, visitors can view Mt. Taylor to the west, the Jemez Mountains to the north, and the vast Tijeras Arroyo to the south.

The landscape supports a piñon-juniper habitat that includes chamisa, Apache plume, scrub oak, cane cholla cactus, blue grama grass, bear grass, and soapweed yucca. If visitors use their observation skills packrat nests can be seen under juniper trees, coyote and bear scat can be identified along the trail, and the elusive cougar may be spotted traveling through natural drainage.

Seven covered picnic areas and two reservation areas with barbecue grills provide magnificent views to the east and the west. A network of multi-use trails offers challenges to hikers, bikers, and equestrians. Hikers also enjoy two trails for foot traffic only and access to the Sandia Mountain Wilderness area. On the north boundary of the picnic area is the Cottonwood Springs Trail, a self-guiding trail accessible to all people, leading to a pond and wildlife blind. A special feature of the Cottonwood Springs Trail is the shaded rest stops with original artwork by Margie O’Brien interpreting the surrounding environment.

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