Spot Pond Brook

Spot Pond Brook

Malden, Massachusetts 02148

Spot Pond Brook Greenway webpage

About this Location

Spot Pond Brook is a stream that flows through the city of Malden. It originates from Spot Pond, a reservoir located in the nearby town of Stoneham, and joins the Malden River near the Mystic Valley Parkway. The brook has a length of about 3.5 miles and a drainage area of 6.4 square miles. It is part of the Mystic River watershed, which drains into Boston Harbor.

The brook has been historically important for the development of Malden and its surrounding communities. It provided water power for mills and factories, as well as drinking water for residents. It also served as a recreational area for fishing, boating, and swimming. However, over time, the brook has suffered from pollution, urbanization, and invasive species. Several efforts have been made to restore and protect the brook's water quality and habitat, such as installing stormwater management systems, removing trash and debris, and planting native vegetation.

Inspired by its original watercourse, the Spot Pond Brook Greenway is envisioned as a multi-use, non-motorized path linking the Oak Grove neighborhood to downtown Malden, the Northern Strand Community Trail, and the Malden River. 

Notable Trails

The AllTrails website has a description and map of a hike at Spot Pond Brook.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Spot Pond Brook Greenway webpage

Last updated January 8, 2024