Cone Marsh WMA

Cone Marsh WMA

Conesville, Iowa 52739

Printable County Checklist

Tips for Birding

Birding Cone Marsh by Carol Thompson (1991)

About this Location

Important Bird Area.
Former oxbow of the Iowa River. 728 Acres
In northwestern Louisa Co. From Lone Tree in southern Johnson Co., follow X-14 south about six miles, including some turns, to G-28. Continue south from this point on V Ave., a gravel road, about one half mile to the northwest corner of the marsh. Or from Conesville in Louisa Co., take 250th St. (becoming 220th) west from Hwy. 70 about 2.5 miles to the southeast corner of the marsh. There are several parking areas for viewing along the west and south sides of the marsh, including a dike walk on the west side. Also, 1.5 miles east along G-28 from X-14, take T Ave. south one mile for viewing of the marsh's east side. Three parking lots
Area is 1/2 Marsh, state manages about 1/3 of total area, the other portions are managed by private groups. . There are several parking areas for viewing along the west and south sides of the marsh, including a dike walk on the west side.. The private areas can be viewed from the roads around and through the marsh
This is a public hunting area.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Sarah Bissell and Iowa Ornithologists' Union

Last updated October 1, 2023

Cone Marsh Map
Iowa Ornithologists' Union