Silver Lake (Dickinson Co.)

Silver Lake (Dickinson Co.)

Printable County Checklist

About this Location

Important Bird Area.
A large prairie lake and adjacent public uplands totaling over 1,100 acres.
Follow Iowa Highway 9 west from City of Spirit Lake 11 miles, until north turnoff to City of Lake Park on Co. Hwy M-27, From that intersection there are multiple ways of access the lake. Easiest is to continue 1 mi. W on Hwy 9, then turn onto paved road that immediately accesses south shore and boat launch. OR, continue west another 1.3 mi., then turn north on 110th Ave. Go 1/2 mi. north and turn into entrance of Silver Lake Fen State Preserve, from which the lake's west end may be observed. Finally, go into the city of Lake Park on M-27 and follow signs to Trapper's Bay State Park, which occupies much of thr lake's north shore
Large prairie lake with surround wetlands, grasslands, croplands, oak woodlands and the Coity of Lake Park. Lake is outstanding for viewing migrating waterfowl especially Canvasbacks and other divers. North shoreline at Park hosts marsh birds, forest birds and others.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from Iowa Ornithologists' Union