Acadia Cliffs Wildlife Area

About this Location

The 273-acre Acadia Cliffs Wildlife Area lies in the southwest corner of Washington County. It can be reached by way of County Road 3 from OH-555.

The area includes steep, rocky terrain, varied forest types, and a small stream. Nearly all of it is wooded. The ridges and steep slopes are mostly mature, upland oak-hickory forests. One stream, Twomile Run, flows from north to south through the area. Vegetation along Twomile Run is mostly bottomland hardwoods of pole and sawlog size, with small openings comprised primarily of alder and elderberry.

This area was received as a donation from the ODNR-Division of Natural Areas and Preserves in 1998. Wildlife management work has included the protection and improvement of existing woodland.

Hunting is the major recreational use, along with nature study, hiking, bird watching, mushroom hunting, and berry and nut picking.

The primary game species are gray squirrel, wild turkey, white-tailed deer, raccoon, and ruffed grouse. Most furbearers common to the region are found in the area. Migratory game species such as crow and woodcock are present both as residents and migrants. Red-tailed hawks, screech owls, and turkey vultures are common birds of prey found here. Many songbirds and small nongame mammals live in the mixed forest types.

A 112-acre portion of Acadia Cliffs Wildlife Area was dedicated as a state nature preserve featuring a sandstone cliff community and upland oak forest. The sandstone outcrops found in the area support a rich array of flowering and medicinal plants including the rare Bradley’s spleenwort, Obed shield lichen, and chalky ramalina.

In keeping with the objective of perpetuating the wild state of this area, the facilities are limited to one roadside parking area.


  • Restrooms on site

Content from Acadia Cliffs Wildlife Area webpage