Hueston Woods SP--Pine Grove

Hueston Woods SP--Pine Grove

College Corner, Ohio 45003

Hueston Woods State Park website
Hueston Woods State Park map

Also, see all the hotspots at:
Hueston Woods Important Bird Area

Tips for Birding

When looking for conifer specialists, check the old picnic site, then go to Maple Grove picnic area (Location "C" on map), and from there walk to the pines across the Main Loop Rd.

Birds of Interest

Red-breasted Nuthatch, Pine Siskin, Pine Warbler, and other pine-loving species.

About this Location

Note: This is an area no longer maintained, the current map (link provided, above) no longer shows this picnic area. The map shown on this page is the older version showing Pine Grove, circled in red.

This spot is a former picnic site among a grove of pine trees. The former driveway remains, so one can drive into the grove and park. Sometimes the driveway is chained off, however. The driveway is located east of Main Loop Road, between the road that goes to the Marina and the Maple Grove picnic area. The Maple Grove picnic area ("D" on the map here, "C" on any newer park maps) is also planted with pines, as well as another grove of pines across the main loop road from the old picnic site.

Shown in photo #2 is the best place to park, a small spot by the entrance, as it is difficult to turn around once you go down the paved lane.

About Hueston Woods State Park

See all hotspots at Hueston Woods State Park

The rich soils of the area are part of the glacial till plains of western Ohio. Early settlers cleared the dense woodlands to farm the fertile soil. Nearly all of Ohio’s original forest has since vanished. However, one unique stand of virgin timber remains at Hueston Woods. Over 200 acres have been protected and provide visitors with a glimpse of Ohio’s primeval forest. Stately beech and sugar maple tower above the abundance of ferns, wildflowers, and other woodland species. In 1967, the 200-acre forest was designated a National Natural Landmark by the National Park Service.

Hueston Woods State Park located in southwest Ohio has an enormous wealth of natural resources. The limestone bedrock of the area is evidence of an ancient shallow sea that once covered Ohio. Much of the limestone is the magnesium-bearing type called dolomite. Fossilized remains of ancient marine animals are so abundant that people from all over the world come to Hueston Woods to collect them.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Hueston Woods State Park website, Levi Metzger, and Sue Parks