L.J. Darr Memorial Wetlands Restoration (restricted access)

L.J. Darr Memorial Wetlands Restoration (restricted access)

West Toussaint North Rd Oak Harbor, Ohio 43449

About this Location

In 1990 the Oak Harbor Conservation Club purchased the Markley/Villhauer property northeast of Oak Harbor in Section #7 of Carroll Township, Ottawa County, Ohio. The property was purchased as an effort to establish a large private-land conservation area to stem the loss of habitat for migratory birds in a major flyway, and as an individual club effort to provide habitat for resting and breeding birds. The overall goal of this purchase was to restore this section of land to its natural wetland condition as part of a cooperative program with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources through the Lake Erie Marsh Restoration Program. Eventually, we hope to join with the United Methodist Conference Camp Sabroske, in order to provide conservation classes and projects for children who come to this camp during the summer months. Camp Sabroske is located just north of our property.

Of the 114 acres originally purchased, approximately 34 acres is presently being reclaimed from the bordering river. This acreage was lost gradually over the last 40 years, but high water events in the 1970’s catastrophically destroyed the northern and eastern dike system. Replacement of these dikes has been essential to our wetland restoration project. Without these barriers, no water control is present, further erosion is inevitable, and water-bottom growth for wildlife maintenance would be nearly impossible.


  • Restrooms on site

Content from Oak Harbor Conservation Club