Miami Cemetery

Miami Cemetery

4379 Old OH-73 East Corwin, Ohio 45068

Official Website

Birds of Interest

Miami Cemetery has been a good place to look for winter finches in the past few years.

About this Location

In 1833, when Gaines Goode buried his young daughter, Narcissa, in the meadow of his farm on the east ridge of the Little Miami River Valley, he unknowingly began the nucleus of one of the most unusual cemeteries in the Midwest. Goode deeded a tract of land adjoining and surrounding the grave to the Waynesville Methodist Church for a cemetery, under the administration of church trustees.

The old Methodist Graveyard became the foundation of the Miami Cemetery Association which was established on April 2, 1866, The Cemetery Association was organized by the authority of an act of the Ohio Legislature adopted on February 24, 1848.

The Monument at the entrance of the Miami Cemetery was erected in 1876, by the Wayne Township Veterans Association.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Official Website and Sam Corbo

Last updated February 10, 2023