Redbird Farms WA

Tips for Birding

The trails are not being mowed regularly. Rubber boots are recommended. There is a lot of poison ivy here.

Birds of Interest

Open country birds, especially sparrows. The woods can be good in migration with a lot of warblers reported.

About this Location

Important Bird Area.
In southwest Johnson Co. From U.S. 218 near Iowa City take Hwy. 1 west less than four miles to F-52/Black Diamond Rd., on your right. Take F-52 about 3.5 miles west to the Redbird parking area on your right, just past Hazelwood Ave. Across the road is a field tract, which is also part of Redbird. Shortly south of the parking area there, along the trail, is a marshy pond which can be productive when wet.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Linda Rudolph and Iowa Ornithologists' Union