Swamp White Oak Preserve (TNC)

Swamp White Oak Preserve (TNC)

Letts, Iowa 52754

Printable County Checklist

About this Location

Important Bird Area.
Cedar River bottom land that is on the edge of the flood zone, 648 acres in size. Efforts are ongoing to remove trees to re- establish the Swamp White Oak Savanna. Several wet areas are on the property as well. The Nature Conservancy owns and manages the land. Area has had extensive wildlife survey work done and birds of interest include Prothonotary Warbler, Cerulean warbler, Sandhill Crane, and Red-shouldered Hawks. Very limited parking
From the west at Hwy 70 and G 28; go east 2.4 miles on Hwy G28. After crossing two bridges; the access drive is immediately past the second bridge and on the north side of the road From the east on Hwy 61 and G 28; go (west) onto County G28 11.73 miles (about 0.8 miles past the Cedar River. The access drive is immediately before a bridge and on the north side of the road.
Sandy Cedar River bottom ground subject to flooding. Much of the brush and trees have been cleared for preservation of Burr Oak and Swamp White Oak


  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from Iowa Ornithologists' Union

Last updated February 16, 2023