Desonier State Nature Preserve

Desonier State Nature Preserve

3885 Deep Hollow Road Coolville, Ohio 45723

Official Website

About this Location

The Marie J. Desonier State Nature Preserve encompasses a variety of habitats typical of Appalachian Ohio. The area is diverse in vegetation and ranges from various successional stages to mature forests in the deep ravines and on the steep hillsides. The area is dissected by Jordan Run, a tributary of the Hocking River. In early 2022, the trail system was completely revamped: 90% of the former trail system (mostly along the creek) was scrapped and no longer accessible. The remaining 10% was incorporated into two completely new trails: a 1.4-mile Orange Loop Trail leaving the parking lot, and a 0.9-mile Blue Loop Trail connecting at the outermost point of the Orange Loop Trail. Both those trails are now upland trails, though portions do traverse some previously inaccessible ravines with cliffs and overhangs.

Large beech and oak trees are found in the cool moist ravines while the drier uplands are dominated by oak-hickory forests, typical of the region. Due to the diversity of the landscape, a large variety of ferns and wildflowers abound. Some of the more interesting plants include weak aster, green adder’s mouth orchid, and Virginia meadow-beauty. Mistletoe, a parasitic plant on trees, has also been reported from this preserve.

Notable Trails

There are two trails: The 1.4-mile Orange Loop Trail leaves from the parking lot, crosses a short bridge, and about 100 feet past the bridge divides into a loop. The trail to the right goes up a scenic ravine featuring some small cliffs and overhangs. The trail to the left circles around the hillside and across the ridge at the top. At the small bridge where the two halves of the loop meet, the 0.9-mile Blue Loop Trail begins. It traverses both ridgetop and ravine terrain.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Official Website and Terry Bronson