Cemetery Fields, Amherst

Cemetery Fields, Amherst

Merrimack Road Amherst, New Hampshire 03031

Birds of Interest

Bobolinks, swallows, Red-winged Blackbirds, Killdeer, and Savannah Sparrows are commonly found here. A variety of other species may be found, from those passing through during migration to others from the surrounding forest and wetlands. Overall, this grassland is very important for several declining or imperiled bird species that rely on this habitat. It is worth a stop if in the area.

About this Location

Cemetery Fields, known also as Forestview Cemetery, is a 48-acre grassland on Merrimack Road. Park at a pull-off by the gate which bars vehicles from entering.

The site was formerly a playground but is now managed mainly for the Grasshopper Sparrow. Cemetery Fields is one of the strongholds for this species in southern New Hampshire. Grasshopper Sparrows are the main attraction of this site for many, and they can be seen in spring and summer, often singing on the roped fence where the playground once was. A small paved loop that can be walked provides the only access to the grassland.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Molly Jacobson

Last updated October 20, 2023