Saylorville Reservoir--Jester Park, Nature Center

Saylorville Reservoir--Jester Park, Nature Center

Madrid, Iowa 50156

Printable County Checklist
Jester Nature Center website

Tips for Birding

The feeders are worth a quick check in winter.  The restored prairie area will have common grassland species in summer.

Birds of Interest

Common feeder birds and common grassland species.

About this Location

Located on the west side of Jester Park off 128th Street.  There is good signage around the park.

About Saylorville Reservoir IBA

See all hotspots at Saylorville Reservoir IBA

Saylorville Reservoir is an extremely important stopover area for migrating waterfowl, gulls, terns, American White Pelicans, shorebirds, and other waterbirds. It supports nationally important concentrations of several species as well as smaller concentrations of many other species. The adjacent uplands support a variety of woodland species, both during the nesting season and in migration.

Saylorville Reservoir is located on the Des Moines River about 4 miles north of Interstate 80/35 north of Des Moines. Land on both sides of the reservoir is owned by the Army Corps of Engineers and includes several access points on both sides of the lake. County owned Jester Park on the west shore of the northern part of the reservoir also offers good access to some important birding areas. Big Creek State Park and adjacent state wildlife areas provide important upland habitat.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Saylorville Reservoir IBA

Last updated May 9, 2023