Raymond Reservation

Raymond Reservation

Sudbury, Massachusetts 01776

About this Location

Raymond Reservation is a 157-acre conservation area located in Sudbury. It is managed by the Sudbury Valley Trustees, a non-profit organization that protects natural areas and farmland in the region. Raymond Reservation offers hiking, birdwatching, cross-country skiing, and fishing. The reservation also preserves important habitats for wildlife, including wetlands, woodlands, and meadows. Raymond Reservation is part of the Hop Brook Protection Area, a network of conservation lands that protect the water quality and biodiversity of Hop Brook, a tributary of the Sudbury River. Raymond Reservation was established in 1999 when the Raymond family donated their land to the Sudbury Valley Trustees. The Raymond family had owned the property since 1928 and had used it as a farm and a summer retreat. The reservation is named after Henry A. Raymond, a prominent businessman and philanthropist who was involved in several civic and charitable causes in Sudbury and Boston.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Last updated January 7, 2024