Macomber Estate

Macomber Estate

Framingham, Massachusetts 01702

Macomber Estate brochure and map

About this Location

The City of Framingham acquired part of the Macomber Estate, known as Raceland, in 1971 for conservation purposes. This 57-acre parcel encompasses meadows, wetlands, and upland forests. The north border is Stearns Reservoir Number 1 of the Sudbury River, which is maintained by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority.

Barton Brook, a rocky babbling stream, runs through the property creating beautiful wooded wetlands. Barton Brook splits in the middle of Macomber (an unusual phenomenon); one branch drains to an emergent marsh and the other runs merrily down to the Reservoir.

Notable Trails

The AllTrails website has a description and map of a hike at the Macomber Estate.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Macomber Estate brochure and map

Last updated January 3, 2024