Weltons Gorge Preserve

Weltons Gorge Preserve

13973 Hale Road Burton, Ohio 44021

Official Website
Weltons Gorge Preserve map

About this Location

Often called “Geauga’s Little Grand Canyon,” this approximately 87-acre park is home to an impressive 45-foot gorge exposing Sharon sandstone and Sharon conglomerate formed around 300 million years ago. The park’s first trail, traveling along the gorge with two scenic overlooks, totals .33 miles. Geauga Park District’s purchase of this property happened in large part because of a Clean Ohio Grant 2009.

The Sharon sandstone and Sharon conglomerate exposed in Weltons Gorge have formed around 300 million years ago when this land was covered in a braided river system. Sediments carried by those rivers were deposited in layers, which cemented into rock. Over thousands of years, glacial meltwater and post-glacial rain events carved through the bedrock.

Outcroppings in Weltons Gorge create a cool moisture-rich environment where various lichens, mosses, and ferns dominate. Eastern hemlock, yellow birch, and lowbush blueberry typically inhabit more northern climates but thrive here because of moisture-rich soils and cool summers.

Unique and fragile plant communities found here support equally interesting and sensitive animals. Shaded and cold groundwater-fed primary headwater streams offer the perfect habitat for salamanders like the Northern Red and Long-tailed salamanders. Sloping banks provide preferred nesting sites for birds like the Dark-eyed Junco and the Louisiana Waterthrush. Cool, moist soils in the gorge are preferred by the Camel Cricket.

Weltons Gorge contains more than 6,000 linear feet of tributaries to the East Branch of the Cuyahoga River, more than 4,000 linear feet of Class 3 Primary Headwater Habitat (the highest quality headwater streams in Ohio, according to the Ohio EPA), and nine wetlands. Overall, almost half of this property is early successional forest, followed by 29 percent mature forest.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Official Website