Possum Creek MetroPark

Possum Creek MetroPark

4790 Frytown Road Dayton, Ohio 45418

Official Website
Possum Creek MetroPark map

Also, see all the hotspots at:
Dayton Southwest Birding Drive

Tips for Birding

About this Location

Ponds and the lake offer lots of fishing for trout, catfish, and many other species. A large planted prairie bursts with flowers and tall grasses from summer into fall. And then there’s the farm, loaded with friendly farm animals that delight both children and adults all year round.

Possum Creek MetroPark consists largely of former farmland that is going through the process of natural succession. Significant natural features include bottomland hardwood forests along Possum Creek, two mature beech woodlots, and numerous created ponds and wetlands. Over 100 acres of degraded farmland and dumps have been cleared and planted into native Ohio prairie. The prairie took years to establish but now thrives on the poor ground. It is currently one of the largest and most diverse planted prairies in Ohio.

Notable Trails

Possum Creek MetroPark Trails
Hiking trails at Possum Creek MetroPark include:
Green Trail – 0.3 miles
Red Trail – 0.5 miles
Blue Trail – 1 mile
Pink Trail – 1.2 miles
Yellow Trail – 1.3 miles
Purple Trail – 1.4 miles
Orange Trail – 3.5 miles

Descriptions with maps for hikes on the trails at Possum Creek MetroPark are on the AllTrails website.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Official Website

Last updated February 11, 2023