Daisy Wilson Meadow, Lexington

Daisy Wilson Meadow, Lexington

Lexington, Massachusetts 02421

Daisy Wilson Meadow map

About this Location

Daisy Wilson Meadow, 8 acres, has 0.5 miles of trails. An old farm, Daisy Wilson Meadow was saved from development by the hard work of a neighborhood association and the Conservation Commission in the 1980s. The meadow itself is home to bluebirds, many butterfly species, and foxes and coyotes on the hunt. Neighbors continue to tend the property by mowing, maintaining trails, and removing invasive species.

Access is from Moreland Avenue and Pinewood Street.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Daisy Wilson Meadow map

Last updated December 23, 2023