Scenic River Retreat

About this Location

In 2005, the township purchased a beautiful tract of land from the Klatka family on Mayfield Road near Alpine Valley overlooking The Fowlers Mill, and an abutting property from Heather Hill at the corner of Auburn and Sherman Roads. Like the Nero Preserve, this land is also protected by a conservation easement through Western Reserve Land Conservancy, which makes it available for passive park purposes only, such as hiking and picnicking. Pavilions were erected in 2006. The park was opened to the public in June 2009. Fishing at the lake is catch and release only.

Take a break at the pavilions that overlook the rolling, forested hills of Munson Township including Alpine Valley ski hill to the west and the historic Fowler’s Mill area. A park trail takes visitors through forest, stream, and wetland habitats.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Official Website and Western Reserve Land Conservancy Parks and Preserves webpage