Auburn Community Park

Auburn Community Park

17484 Munn Road Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023

Official Website
Western Reserve Land Conservancy Parks and Preserves webpage

About this Location

Auburn Community Park provides opportunities for many kinds of passive and active recreation. To the north, an easy loop trail winds through a beautiful upland hardwood forest populated with majestic sugar maple, beech, black cherry, and shagbark hickory trees. To the south, a loop trail circumnavigates a large open field that is actively maintained for soccer and other sports activities. A mulched playground with swings and climbing equipment is also available in the field for family outings.

In 2005 the Board of Trustees purchased 67 acres (formerly known as the Cathan Farm) from Western Reserve Land Conservancy (WRLC) for the purpose of creating a community park.

This 67 acres is protected by a Conservation Easement which is divided into 2 categories: “Natural Area” (passive park) and “Open Field Area” (active park). The agreement between WRLC and Auburn Township is a perfect fit. Sports fields, a playground, a parking lot, and a concession stand are planned for the active park, and walking trails for the passive park area.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Official Website and Western Reserve Land Conservancy Parks and Preserves webpage