Cedar Bottoms WMA--north/west of the river

Cedar Bottoms WMA--north/west of the river

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About this Location

Most references are for Cedar Bottoms but there are actually two parcels. The Cedar Bottoms is divided by the Cedar River, one parcel is on Bayfield Road and the other is on 170th St. Cedar river bottom ground that was farmed in the past 1,555 acres total
For parcel on east side of Cedar river In central Muscatine Co. Along Hwy. 22 about six miles east of Nichols or six miles west of Muscatine, X-43/Independence Ave. meets Hwy. 22 on the south side. One quarter mile east of X-43 is Bayfield Rd., a gravel road, going north. Follow Bayfield north one mile, eventually including short bends right, left, and right. The parking area is at that second bend to the right (east). For parcel on west side of Cedar River - From W end of Cedar River bridge go N on Ironcity Ave for 1.12 miles and turn R to continue on Ironcity, another 1.58 miles and make R on 170 th St go .99 miles to Jasper St. and make R , raod ends in .26 miles
The east parcel has a lane leads downhill from the parking area. The extensive weedy field habitat is immediately ahead. Follow this lane eventually westward (leftward) to find the pools, not a long walk. The west parcel Grassland yielding to timber near the river 1/4 timber and 3/4 grassland with some wet areas
This is a public hunting area.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from Iowa Ornithologists' Union