Lost Creek Prairie Preserve

Lost Creek Prairie Preserve

Tipp-Elizabeth Road Tipp City, Ohio 45371

Official Website
Lost Creek Prairie Preserve map

Tips for Birding

Lost Creek Prairie Preserve has 6 parking spaces in a small paved lot along Tipp-Elizabeth Road, just east of Tipp City. Grass paths move through prairie fields and along the treeline that runs next to Lost Creek. Away from the creek, Cottonwood trees make up a small forest area where paths penetrate. All of this is nestled in farming country. Keep an eye and ear out for riparian and grassland birds.

About this Location

Tipp City is located in Miami county in west-central Ohio and is best known for being a stop along the long-extinct Miami and Erie canal, Spring Hill nursery, and the annual Mum Festival in the fall. For a little over a decade, Tipp City has been purchasing farmland outside of town along the Great Miami River with Clean Ohio Conservation Grant funds to convert the agriculture into the prairie. The major reason for this has been an effort to protect and safeguard the well fields and underground aquifer from which the city and surrounding area gets its potable water supply.

Lost Creek Prairie Preserve's namesake is the tributary of the Great Miami River that flows along the eastern border of the prairie before terminating into the Miami at the back southeast corner of the preserve.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Official Website

Last updated February 15, 2023