Red Haw SP

Red Haw SP

24550 U.S. Hwy 34 Chariton, Iowa 50049

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About this Location

This 640 acre state park in south central Iowa is well known for its crappie fishing and can be very busy, especially on weekends. The redbud blooming each spring can be spectacular. The park features 70 acre Red Haw Lake, with a multi-use trail around the lake.
Go east of Chariton on Highway 34 for approximately three miles. The entrance will be on your right. A DNR administered wildlife management area adjoins the park to the south.
Primarily mixed woodlands surrounding a man-made lake. Open areas provide habitat for meadow and edge species. Woodpeckers (including Red-headed), orioles, bluebirds, and flycatchers are common during the breeding season.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Roadside viewing

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Iowa Ornithologists' Union

Last updated September 20, 2023

Red Haw SP Map
Iowa DNR