Gravel Pits West of Kilby Rd.

Gravel Pits West of Kilby Rd.

Kilby Road Harrison, Ohio 45030

Also, see all the hotspots at:
Great Miami River-Lower Important Bird Area

Tips for Birding

The western side of Kilby Road has more “unlisted” publicly accessible Hamilton County Park property. It is a bit more grown up and provides some Whitewater River access. (See map .) The park district also owns the tract directly north of this that is split by the railroad easement and goes all the way to Kilby road directly opposite of Smith tract. This is where the parking access is and the gravel road is walkable to the public through the gravel pits past the railroad tracks. The habitat includes riparian woods and river access. This western portion is where Bell’s Vireo was reported in 2020.

About this Location

Kilby Road Tract, just about 2 miles south of the Campbell Lakes Preserve along Kilby Road and the Whitewater River, has been acquired by the Hamilton County Park District. The site is signed as a Hamilton County Park District preserve but is so new that the tract has not been developed or much-publicized to date. The area consists of approximately 300 acres located on both the east and west sides of Kilby Road. Part of the property was a former gravel mining operation and the acreage includes several large ponds or gravel “pits”. Most of the habitat here is open and scrubby grassy fields and the habitat and birds are similar to those at the Campbell Lakes Preserve with the notable exception of Grasshopper and Lark Sparrows. As many as 6 singing male Grasshopper Sparrows were present the past two summers and breeding was confirmed. In the summer of 2008, a pair of Lark Sparrows nested here. Blue Grosbeaks are also regularly found here during the summer and at least two pairs have nested. Blue Grosbeaks are actually uncommon to locally fairly common summer residents throughout the Great Miami and Whitewater River valleys. They seem to have a particular affinity for abandoned gravel pits and other scrubby disturbed habitats in this region.

Kilby Ponds are located in western Hamilton County. Take I-275 Kilby Road Exit # 21. From the cloverleaf exit ramp turn left (north) onto Kilby Road and go north on Kilby about 1.7 miles to a small Parking Lot on the right (east) side of the road. Be advised that this parking lot is poorly marked. There is a Hamilton County Park District sign, but it can be easily missed. Look for a beige-colored utility barn that sits a bit off the road.

The Smith Tract of the Kilby Road Gravel Pits is nearby on the east side of Kilby Road.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Brian Wulker and Birding Cincinnati

Last updated February 2, 2023