Sandbar Slough

About this Location

Important Bird Area.
A moderate-sized marsh directly feeding into Big Spirit Lake. All surrounding land is privately owned, so bird observations must be made from the side of M-56.
From the DNR Fish Hatchery on the South shore of Big Spirit Lake, go east to junction with Co. Hwy. M-56, then turn north and travel about 3 miles to the slough on the east side of the highway.
Typical glacial wetland surrounded by emergent vegetation. Uplands are private pasture, grassland, cropfields and a couple of small patches of trees. Sandbar Slough is excellent for viewing both nesting and migrating waterfowl of all species, plus pelicans, herons and other waterbirds.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from Iowa Ornithologists' Union